David Bornstein was chosen as the Burleigh Media Ethics Lecture speaker on Tuesday at Weasler Auditorium and he provided some shocking revelations, at least to me. The lecture was also my first attempt at live tweeting and I have to say it wasn't the easiest thing I've ever had to do.

I've tweeted at sporting events before, most notably Marquette basketball games, but this was different. There isn't a lot of time in between quotes and Bornstein was providing a myriad of excellent ones. During a basketball game, there is usually a lull in the action at some point during the game, which usually lets me catch up with my tweets. That isn't the case during a live lecture.

My professor gave us a quick crash course on what to expect when live tweeting but it was still a bit overwhelming at times. Picking out what should and shouldn't be tweeted is harder than it seems. One thing that I was surprised about is highlighted in the above tweet. Bornstein noted that the public's trust in journalism has fallen in every institution except the military since 1976.

That was a bit shocking to me and sort of puts my career path in perspective. From my experiences this summer as an intern, I realize that some people just don't want to talk to reporters or have their name in the newspaper. That's fine, but they still need to get their news somehow. Without reporters, there wouldn't be news. I'd be curious to look into why people are so guarded and callous against reporters.

Overall, the lecture touched on many topics I found interesting and hope to be able to apply to my own work. The world needs solutions and Bornstein gave a good overview of exactly how reporters can go about that.

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    I am a senior journalism major and political science minor in the Diederich College of Communications at Marquette University in Milwaukee. I work as the sports editor for the Marquette Tribune and interned with the Telegraph Herald in Dubuque, Iowa the past summer.


    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012

